- Go to the Setup page, by clicking on the Setup menu.
- On your left-side, under the App Setup click on Customize > Opportunities > Page Layouts. This takes you to the list of your Opportunity page layouts.
In Group and Professional editions, you need to click on Page Layout. - Create a new layout
<<add screenshot of all steps>> - On this new page, click on VisualForce Pages and from the adjacent section drag-drop the Section to the location you desire below.
- Give the section a suitable name say "Celoxis Projects".
- Under Layout, select 1-Column
- Click on OK.
- Now, drag the Opportunity Projects, in the "Celoxis Projects" section.
- Edit the Opportunity Projects you just dropped and set the Height (in pixels) to 600.
- Click on Save.
<<screenshot>> - Now, on the Opportunity Page Layout page, click on Page Layout Assignment.
- Click on Edit Assignment.
- Select the profiles for which you want to assign the page layout.
- Under the Page Layout To Use drop-down, select the layout you just created.
<<screenshot>> - Click on Save.