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Celoxis on mobile is a mobile-optimized application that can be accessed from any iOS, Android, Windows web-enabled phones. You don't need to download or install any App from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. 


To access Celoxis on mobile, simply  point your favorite mobile browser to

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Following features are available on mobile:

  1. Home 
    1. Dashboard: You can quickly view all your dashboard reports as soon as you log into Celoxis on your mobile browsers.
    2. My Timesheet: Your weekly time sheet view let's you view and record time spent on project related work-items.
    3. My Favorite Reports: Quick view of all your favorite Celoxis reports.
    4. Calendar: Provides an iCal URL for your favorite calendar application.
  2. Add
    1. Task: Add a task to a specific project. The following task details can be specified from mobile browsers: Project, Task name, Start, Duration, Resources, Priority and task details.
    2. Updates: Add progress updates on tasks. The following details can be specified from mobile browsers: % Complete, Hours, Time Code, Comments, Also Cc Project Team Members.
    3. Time: Record time spent on a specific project-related work items (tasks or app items). The following details can be specified from mobile browsers: Project, Work item, Date, Hours, % Complete and Comments. You can save or even send the time entry for approval.
  3. Project and Task Details: You can view specific project or task details. You can quickly sift through different project or task specific views. 
  4. Approve/Reject Time: Managers can approve or reject individual time entries.
  5. Project related Actions: The following actions are available on mobile browsers.
    1. Add Task
    2. Add Document
  6. Task related Actions: The following actions are available on mobile browsers.
    1. Add Update (Or Update Progress)
    2. Request Update
    3. Mark Complete
    4. Add Document
    5. Edit (the task)
    6. Delete (the task)