project_category_id (Required). ID or Name of the project category.
summary (Required). A short description of the project.
plan_start (Required). Date. The planned start date of this project.
deadline (Required). Date. The planned finish date of this project.
manager_id (Required). ID or Name of the project manager.
client_id (Required). ID or Name of the client.
code (Optional). A unique code for the project.
priority (Optional). Integer between 1 (Very High) and 5 (Very Low)
detail (Optional). A detailed description for this project.
phase_id (Optional). The ID or Name of the project phase.
budget (Optional). Number. The budget for this project.
formula_key of a custom field(Optional). The custom field for this project. You need to use the formula key of the custom fieldattached to a project.
workspace_id (Required). ID or Name of the project's department.