Your project can be altered to suit your requirement like the calendar or the way the % Complete of the task is calculated. These option are available under the New/Edit project page under the 'Options' tab.
The options available are explained below :
You can decide if the percent complete of summary tasks (tasks that have sub-tasks) should be auto calculated by the system from the percent complete of its sub tasks or if you want to enter it manually. If enabled, it is calculated based on the following formula:
Code Block |
% complete of a summary task = (W1 × P1 + W2 × P2 + ... + Wn × Pn) ÷ (W1 + W2 + ... + Wn)
Where Wn and Pn is the work (or effort) and % complete respectively of its nth sub-task. |
- New tasks will be manually scheduled.
All the tasks that are created in the project will be scheduled manually. - Tasks should start when all predecessors are complete
If this option is enabled, the dependent task will start as soon as the predecessor task is completed. Normally, a dependent task will only start on its start date even if its predecessor finishes ahead of time. This is because we assume that the manager has carefully planned the project taking into consideration resource availability and loading and the system cannot automatically make a call to start the dependent task ahead of schedule. However, in some cases it might be preferable for a dependent task to start as soon as all its successors are complete.
Info When you enter % Complete against a task, by default the Start(Actual) and Finish (Actual) of the task is its Planned Start and Finish date respectively. If your task finishes early or late than the planned schedule, then you need to change the Start(Actual) and Finish (Actual) of the task when doing a progress update so that the successor tasks are scheduled accordingly.
- Disable Email NotificationsDo not send email notifications for this project
This option allows the user to disable the email notifications specific to the project.
Info No notifications for task and project are sent. Notifications for discussion, document, expense (rejected), time-entries (rejected), time submitted on my behalf and Request Progress Update will still be sent.
- Always assume this project is on time and budget
This option always assumes that the project is On Time and On Budget. In long running projects, time and budget does not pose much of a constraint as much as the overall performance and efficacy of the project. In such situations, even if a task is At Risk or Overdue, Over Budget, the system always shows it On Time and On Budget.
- Subscribe Auto subscribe team members to new discussion topics
Whenever a new topic is created, team members are automatically subscribed to the topic and they receive email notifications.
Default Task % Complete Method