Interactive Gantt in Celoxis provides a graphical overview of the project schedule. This is useful for the Project Manager to schedule his projects and keep track of them. The different features like the Export, Baseline, etc. help him with preparing and driving the project plan more efficiently. The Interactive Gantt chart can be used in 2 ways:

  1. The Grid view: With this view, you can create/update your project plan in a worksheet format. 
    1. The individual columns on the Gantt allow you to enter/modify the data of the task.

    2. You can add multiple columns to this for viewing/modifying the data.
  2. The Gantt view: This view provides a more graphical representation of your project plan. With this view, you can
    1. Simply drag and drop or stretch task bars to change start and Finish dates,
    2.  Create/Delete dependencies,
    3. Enter Progress Updates,
    4. Open the 'Edit' task window, by double clicking on the task bars.

You can drag-drop the slider left-right to only see a particular view for your projects.

Configuring the Interactive Gantt

The first time you access the Interactive Gantt of a project, you are presented with the below options to be configured. This is then remembered per person across all projects in Celoxis as a user preference. You can change this setting from the icon available on the right of the Interactive Gantt.