A summary task helps in organizing and managing tasks just like we use folders and sub-folders to organize documents. Summary tasks are constituted of sub tasks and they contain the summarized information associated with those sub tasks, such as work and cost involved in accomplishing those tasks.

Summary tasks have the following implications:

Percentage complete of a summary task = (w1 x p1 + w2 x p2+...) / (w1 + w2 +...), where 1, 2, 3... are its sub tasks. 

To illustrate it further, let us consider an example :

Task NameEffortDurationAssigned To% Complete
T20h2d 0
T316h1dJoe[100%], Mary[100%]100

Using the above formula, the % Complete calculation for the summary task will be done as (24x100 + 16x0 + 16x100) / 24 + 16 + 16 =71%

In cases where child tasks do not have any resource assignments, their effort (work) for purpose of %Complete for its Summary Task is considered assuming a 100% assignment. For example, in T2 above, the effort for purpose of % Complete calculation of Summary Task is assumed to be 16h  (2d task).


  • When you delete a summary task, Celoxis will automatically delete all its sub tasks.
  • Summary tasks will always be auto-scheduled; even though its child tasks are manually scheduled.