Resource Utilization (Planned v/s Actual)

Resource Utilization (Planned v/s Actual)

This report helps the project manager align the projects in pipeline with the planned & actual resource utilization on planned activities to get insight into long-term capacity plans. This helps in informed data-driven decisions to ensure the most efficient use of the resources for ensuring project success.

Estimated Utilization is computed as a percentage of estimated to available resource hours, while Actual Utilization is computed as a percentage of actual-approved to available resource hours. This report shows the Utilization of the resources for the last quarter.



 Lets take an example of Peter Parker.

Peter works 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday. The 'Hours(Available)' column will show you this information. 


Assume, Peter's Hours(Est) for last quarter is as follows. The Resource Load Chart or the 'Hours(Est)' column will show you this information. 


Assume Peter's Hours(Actual) on planned activities for last quarter is as follows. The 'Hours(Actual)' column will show you this information. e g



So, the Estimated Utilization of Peter is as follows:
Utilization (Est) = Hours (Est)/Hours (Available) as a percentage.
For Apr (131/176)*100=74%.



Similarly, the Actual Utilization is as follows:
Utilization (Actual) = Hours (Actual)//Hours (Available) as a percentage.
For Apr (128/176)*100=73%


Using this, the PM can see how a particular resource is utilized for a period and can plan smarter.

If your users play multiple roles in different workspaces, then we recommend creating a custom field  (single select dropdown) on users - "Primary Department" and group on that field, instead of Workspace .