File Check In

File Check In

Once you are done with your changes to the File you must check it in for others to see it. The system maintains a history of all such changes. The system warns you of potential conflicts. For instance, consider the following scenario:

  1. You checked out version 1.3 of a File on Monday in a non exclusive mode and made changes to it.  
  2. Joe checks out the same version 1.3 (that you checked out) on Tuesday to correct a few spelling mistakes. He immediately checks it back in to create version 1.4. Now these corrections obviously don't show up in your File since you have an earlier copy. You will however receive an email notification indicating that a new version of the File is available.
  3. You check-in your version of the File to give version 1.5 and over-write Joe's changes! The spelling mistakes that were in 1.3 and that were corrected in 1.4 are still back in 1.5

The Celoxis Version Control System will warn you when you try to check-in your version. It detects that there has been a checkin on the same File while you were making your changes and hence a potential for conflict. After this warning, you will need to merge the changes (e.g. using Microsoft Word's merge feature) and check the File back in.

To check in Files:

  1. Go to your project and click on the Files link from the left panel
  2. From the actions drop-down for the File you have checked out and click Checkin.
  3. In the Checkin dialog box, click Browse to attach the updated file in the File box.
  4. In the Comments box, type the comments.
  5. Select the Version number if this is a major version or minor.
  6. Click Submit. The File is checked in.

If you try to upload a file which has no modifications, Celoxis will not create a version. Instead you will be prompted to select a different file. Or you can Revert the file.

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