Advanced Filter Options

Advanced Filter Options

Celoxis also provides you advanced filter options for all your reports to help you refine your search.  

For a text you can select

  • Is Blank: {}
    Returns the rows where the specified field is empty.
  • Is Not Blank: !{}
    Returns the rows where the specified field is not empty.

  • Contains: < your value >
    Returns the rows where the specified field contains the text mentioned in < your value >
  • Not Contains: !< your value >
    Returns the rows where the specified field does not contains the text mentioned in < your value >
  • Starts with: < your value >
    Returns the rows where the specified field starts with the text mentioned in < your value >

  • Ends with: < your value >  
    Returns the rows where the specified field ends/finishes with the text mentioned in < your value >

  • Equals: < your value >  
    Returns the rows where the specified field equals to the text mentioned in < your value >
  • Not Equals: ! < your value >
    Returns the rows where the specified field does not contains the text mentioned in < your value >

If it is a numerical value, then you can select

  • Equals: = <your value>
    Returns the rows where the specified field equals to the number mentioned in < your value >
  • Not Equals: < your value >
     Returns the rows where the specified field does not contains the number mentioned in < your value >
  • Greater than: < your value > 
    Returns the rows where the specified field number is greater than mentioned in < your value > 
  • Less than: < your value > 
    Returns the rows where the specified field number is less than mentioned in < your value > 
  • Greater equals: >= < your value > 
    Returns the rows where the specified field number is greater than or equals than mentioned in < your value > 
  • Less equals: <= < your value > 
    Returns the rows where the specified field number is less than or equals than mentioned in < your value > 

You can add multiple criteria in a single filter. For example, you want to find all project names starting with 'New' and ending with 'Supplier'. So, your filter will look like ^New && $Supplier.
Similarly, if you want to find tasks which are 0% Complete or 100 % Complete, then your % Complete filter will look like =0 || =100.

For a date range, Celoxis already provides default options like Any, Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, This Month, Next Year, All Dates Before, All Dates After... and many more. You can also enter your custom date pattern like follows:

  • -2m to This Month
    Returns rows where the date range is from last 2 months to This Month (included). You can similarly say 2w (weeks), or 2y (years) or 2q (quarters)
  • This Week to Next Week 
    Returns rows where the date range is from current week to end of next week.
  • Last month to Today
    Returns rows where the date range is from last month to today.

Please note that broader the date range, the slower would be the performance. For e.g if you enter -2y to This Year, then Celoxis needs to fetch the data for 3 years.

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