Uploading Files

Uploading Files

You can add files from either your local drive or Google drive.

To upload files to project:

  1. Go to your project and click on More option on the right side.
  2. Now, click on Attach Files
  3. In a new popup, select the appropriate Project/task folder where the file needs to be uploaded. This option will not appear if you do not have folders.
  4. Click on Next.
  5. You will be shown 2 tabs on this pop-up from where you can select if the file is present on your local drive or Google drive. You can add one or more file from each tab.
  6. Click on Browse or Add Google Doc under appropriate tab to select the file(s). 
  7. More information about the file can be added in Details. These details are same even if you add one file from local drive and one from Google drive.
  8. Click on Client Shared if you wish to share this file with your project's client.
  9. Click Submit. The files are uploaded in your projects / tasks.

To attach files to tasks:

  1. Go to your Project 
  2. Go to the Tasks view from the list of project specific reports panel.
  3. Point at a task and click on the action selector and then click on Attach Files.
  4. Click Browse to attach a file.
  5. You can enter a description for the file.
  6. Click Submit. The file is added to the task.

To upload an entire folder structure containing files:

At times you may need to upload an entire folder structure containing a large number of files into Celoxis. You must create a ZIP archive of the folder (or files) using WinZip. When you upload that file into Celoxis, the ZIP archive will be unzipped on the server and the folders and files created in the selected folder.

  1. For a project, go to the Files/Documents section.
  2. From the besides the project folder or any other folder under which you wish to upload the archive, click on the actions drop-down.
  3. Click on More and then Upload Archive.
  4. In the popup enter the name of the Target folder and select the Zip file.
  5. Click Submit.

A new folder (by the name you specified in the Target folder) is created under the chosen Folder. The zip file is unzipped there.

(SaaS) Maximum file size of a file uploaded cannot be more than 100 MB. On-Premise customers can set their own limit.

Target Folder name has to be unique. Please upload only .ZIP (Winzip) files only. Other archive software like the 7z, etc are not supported.

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