Time and Expense Code Setup (10 mins/10 codes)

Time and Expense Code Setup (10 mins/10 codes)

If you are going to track time and expenses using Celoxis, you must define Time and Expense Codes. 

  • Time codes help you capture the exact details of activities performed on a task. Time codes that are not specific to projects (like sick leave, training) can be defined as non-project time codes. 
  • Expense codes are used to define your expense heads. 

By default, Celoxis provides a time and an expense code called 'Default'. A small company may have about 5 time and 5 expense codes. These can be setup in 10 minutes. 

If you plan to do your billing from Celoxis, you must select the billing model for your Company. Billing is possible using bill rates defined either at a User level or a Time Code level (since V6.5). If User based billing model is selected, you can add your User Bill Rates from the User screen. If Time Code Billing selected, you can define rates on your time codes. 


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