Copy Project

Copy Project

Often an Organization would be executing projects that are very similar in nature. In such cases, we recommend that you create a template of such a project with all the tasks, including dates, dependencies and resource allocations as if it were a real project. When you need to start a new project, use the Copy Project feature to make a copy of this project template; make necessary modifications such as resource assignments and your project plan is ready.
This saves you invaluable time and effort. During copying you can specify a start date for the new project and Celoxis will automatically schedule all the tasks as per the new start date, task duration, vacations and holidays. For example, let us consider the start date of the existing project is June 1, 2010 and the task starts on June 9, 2010 and if the start date of the new copied project is August 15, 2010, then the start of the same task will be August 24, 2010 because it started 7 days after the original project. While cloning the projects, the system also takes into account the holidays and user vacation in that calendar month. You can also store documents in your template and they will be copied over to the new project. 

  • Cloning a project creates a new project based on an existing project. This operation does not affect the original project in any way.
  • Cloning a project copies custom field data, documents, estimated material cost attached to a project/task, task dependencies.
  •  Task constraints are NOT copied over since the dates will depend on the start date of the new project.

To copy an existing project 

  1. From the main menu, click Add, point to Project, and then click Copy Project.
  2. You can select your project from Recent Project or Other option.
  3. If you select Other, you can type keywords in the Project field. As you type, project names matching the keywords are displayed. 
  4. Select the project that you want to copy.
  5. Click Next.
  6. You can change the information of this new project under the 4 available tabs: Basic, Advanced, Custom Fields, Description.
  7. Click Save. The new project is now shown on your screen.

A user needs to have 'View Project', 'View Financials' and 'Add Project' privilege to be able to copy projects.

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