Celoxis v8.0 Release Notes

Celoxis v8.0 Release Notes

Release Dates:

  • For SaaS - May 24, 2014
  • For OnPremise - July 02, 2014

Following are the highlights of v8.0 release:

New Features

  1. Manual scheduling: Manual scheduling lets you create your project plan without shifting any dates. Available as a flag under Project Options and on each task. Default schedule mode is 'Manual'.
     This feature is attributed to the following users: Assel Gubaidullina, Ben Murray, David Comas, Jeffrey Heaton, Victor Chang
  2. Google Drive integration: You can now link your existing Google documents with Celoxis' out-of-the-box Drive integration. You can attach documents to projects, tasks, discussions and workflows.
  3. Automatic timesheet reminders: With our automatic timesheet reminders, you can send out daily notifications to users who have not filled in their time as per expected hours. Configuration at company level.
     This feature is attributed to the following users: Dan Morris, David Comas, Kevin Shayne, Lijo Jose, Lois Compton, Paula Coleman
  4. Fill time on your business processes: Now account for any time spent on your bugs, issues and other project processes that are assigned to you. 
     This feature is attributed to the following users: Adi Blumberg, Lijo Jose, Marc Hull, Mark Smit, Oma Taiga, Scott Stock
  5. Pre-fill your weekly time work items: With this option, you can now have your weekly time screen pre-filled with all tasks and project workflows on which you need to fill time. Another handy time-saving feature! By default this option is enabled for all users.
  6. Edit comments on progress updates: You can now edit or delete your comments filled against a progress update. Just open your progress update report and edit your comments.
     This feature is attributed to the following users: Douglas Slovensky, Joanne Donahue, Kees Keet, Lois Compton


  1. Workflow Improvements: We have improved workflow administration and configuration which directly translates into quick definition, easy configuration and more intuitive business & project processes.
    1. Bugs, Issues, and other custom processes will be Custom Apps within Celoxis.
    2. Process menu is renamed to Apps.
    3. Process Types renamed to Apps.
    4. Transitions renamed to Workflow.
    5. Department renamed to Workspace, which better expresses its flexibility in the context of the workflow improvements.
    6. Apps Security (Roles, Privileges and Memberships) are now merged with the overall application security.
    7. App Workflow definition, including defining timeout policies and configuring state managers/timeout policies can be done from workflows screen.
    8. Apps configuration (State Managers and Timeout Policies) can be done at:
      • Company level (i.e. All Workspaces) and Workspace level 
      • Project level (for Project workflows)
    9. You can now directly add Reports for your Custom Apps (such as Bugs, To-Dos, etc...) from the New Report action drop down under Reports.
  2.  Task Column is renamed to Work Item on Weekly time, Edit time, & Approve time screens.
  3. Work flow filters and columns are now available in Time entries report. In addition a new column Workitem will also be available, which will show both Task Name/Workflow Summary under a single column. 
  4. Automatic Scroll into view when a task is selected in Gantt.
  5. Define your own RAG indicators using formula fields.
  6. Custom fields will be organised in 2 column layout; except File Chooser, Checkbox and Text Area for better visual appearance.
  7. The Custom fields tab on the Add/Edit app item page is merged on a single page.
  8. The custom fields attached to State transition will now retain the value of the previous transition. All such fields will now be available on the Add/Edit App item page.
  9. Custom field of type 'Formula' cannot be attached to a state transition.
  10. Improved user notification to enhance readability.
  11. An option Add Another available when adding app items, tasks, roles, times codes, expense codes, project categories and People for adding the objects easily.
  12. Download as CSV option available for Resource Load chart.

Enforcing Limits

  • With 7.0 we had apprised users about certain reports that caused performance issues due to large volumes of data. With this release, we are enforcing these limits. If you have not already fixed those areas, you will get an error message.

Discontinued Items

  1. Overtime Rates: Overtime rates (for user and time code based rates) have been discontinued. We have performed an automatic one-time migration for existing time code users who had overtime rates.
  2. Copy Previous Week option on Weekly Time screen removed. 
  3. Project Policy Auto calculate % complete of summary tasks from child tasks: This policy has been removed. By default, all summary tasks will have their % complete auto calculated from child tasks.
  4. Workflow Application: Workflow Application is discontinued. All roles that are currently defined at Application level will be migrated to Roles section in Security under Company Settings page.
    Manage Project Workflows option under Company Settings will be removed. By default all workflows will be available in all projects. 
  5. Process Categories: Process Categories have been discontinued. All existing categories (including sub-categories) will be mapped to Workspaces.
  6. Task Types: Task Types are deprecated (since v8.0) and will be removed in a future release. We will migrate existing task types as custom fields (attached to tasks) at that time.
  7. Support for IE9 browser deprecated. Will not be supported from future release.
  8. The Administrator user (i.e login name=administrator) has been removed. An user will administrator privileges can login and perform the same actions when your account is locked or your active users exceed licensed users.

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