Project Client

Project Client

Clients are the companies or individuals for whom projects are executed. 

Clients provide opportunities to undertake projects, and expect tangible and predefined returns. In Celoxis you can create clients (unlimited) and assign them to projects. Client accounts are free and hence have limited functionality. 

  • View projects and their status.
  • Update the progress of a task.
  • Participate in designated discussion forums.
  • Participate in Workflow processes.
  • Upload and download shared documents.

To assign a client:

  1. On the New/Edit Project window, under Basic tab, click Client drop-down list. 
  2. Select a client.
  3. Click Save. The client is assigned to the project.

If you have a client hierarchy then, who the project is visible will depend on who is assigned as the client for the project.
To know how to create the Client Hierarchy click here.  The following table describes what the client can see : 

Acme (Company)

  • India (Department)
    • Pune (Sub-department)
      • Rita (Contact point within department)
      • Mahesh (Contact point within department)
    • Mumbai (Sub-department)
      • Neha (Contact point within department)
      • Amit (Contact point within department)
  • U.S. (Department)
    • New York (Sub-department)
      •  Joe (Contact point within department)
      • Mary (Contact point within department) 
    • Oklahama (Sub-department)
      •  Sandy (Contact point within department)
      • Martha (Contact point within department)

Now, let us assume a project is created "Project- Implementation".

If Client is                                      then, the project is visible to                                                                                                 
AcmeAcme, India, Pune (Rita, Mahesh), Mumbai (Neha, Amit), U.S., New York (Joe, Mary), Oklahama (Sandy, Martha)
IndiaPune (Rita, Mahesh), Mumbai (Neha, Amit)
U.S. New York (Joe, Mary), Oklahama (Sandy, Martha)
New YorkJoe, Mary

Multiple Clients

The project manager may specify multiple clients for a project. You can individually control permissions for each client. If for example Joe and John were set as the client for a project you can specify that Joe can view the project and update the progress of tasks while John can only view the project.

To assign multiple clients:

  1. Go to your project and click on More option on the right side.

  2. Now, click on Access Control.

  3. In the new pop-up, click the user icon besides Project Client role. 
  4. In the new pop-up, search the client you wish to assign as client to this project. 
    NOTE: Only clients of same parent can be added to the project. So, from above example, if "Acme US" is the client, then only  New York (Joe, Mary), Oklahama (Sandy, Martha) can be added as client to this project.
  5. Click on Save. The new clients are added to this project.

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