Timesheet Options

Timesheet Options

Display hours in decimal format (e.g. 2.5) instead of hours:minutes (e.g. 2:30): If this option is selected, time will be displayed for example as 2.5 instead of 2:30. in Timesheets, Est/Act. Hours etc.

Send incomplete timesheet reminder emails to users daily at: Selecting this option will send automatic reminder to all users who have filled incomplete timesheet for that day at the time you have set. The default time is set to 4:00 PM.

Approval Workflow:

Here, you can set who can approve the time-entries on project and non-project related activities.

Auto Approve: Setting this as default will cause all the time entries to be automatically approved as soon as they are submitted for approval.

Reporting Manager: Selecting this, will then set the Reporting Manager as the Approver for all time entries.

Project Manager: Selecting this, will then set the Project Manager as the approver for all time entries.

Reporting Manager > Project Manager: With this, the time-entries will only be approved after both the Reporting and Project Manager approves the time entries in the same order.

Project Manager > Reporting ManagerWith this, the time-entries will only be approved after both the Project and Reporting Manager approves the time entries in the same order.