Computed attributes of project

Computed attributes of project

There are additional columns which are automatically calculated by Celoxis i.e the value of the fields cannot be entered. The columns can be picked in a project report.

Planned FinishThis is the finish date of the task that finishes last. Planned Finish is automatically calculated on the basis of the last finished task in a project. Although the project manager specifies a deadline, it is possible that as per the dates and duration entered for the tasks, the final task finishes before or after the deadline. This tells the managers if their deadline is realistic. To be on a safer side, managers may decide to keep a buffer between the end date of the final task and the deadline. The planned finish automatically changes as per changes to the task dates. During planning, project managers should use the planned finish as the real date on which the project is bound to complete.R
Projected Finish

This is the date on which the project is expected to finish. It is derived from the last projected finish date of the task in the project.

Projects rarely progress as per the plan. In case of delays, it is very difficult for managers to assess the impact on the schedule of the project, especially if the plan is non-trivial. As the team updates the progress of tasks, the system continuously estimates the end dates of all tasks and the projected finish. The project manager can then decide if the hours being invested in various activities in a project are in compliance with the end date of the project. The project manager may need to increase the pace of the project, add additional resources, re-work their plan or seek approval to extend the project deadline. Managers must keep a close watch on this date to ensure that the project does not lapse.

% Comp

This indicates the progress of the project. It is auto-calculated based on the following formula: If p is the percentage complete of the child tasks and w is the estimated hours on the tasks, then:

Percent complete of a project = (w1 × p1 + w2 × p2+...) ÷ (w1 + w2+...) where 1 and 2 are its tasks.

There might be a situation when no resources are assigned on a task and hence work (w) is 0. In such cases, the duration of the task is taken into account for calculating the % Comp.

Depending on the current rate of progress, Celoxis automatically indicates the schedule health of a project using the RAG (Red/Amber/Green) signals which helps the manager take appropriate actions before it is too late. The % complete is used to calculate the Projected Finish and the Accrued Fixed Cost. For more information on RAG indicators, click here.

For more information on how project's % Complete is calculated, click here

Planned HoursThese are the total hours that the team must put in to complete the project. It is auto calculated as the sum of estimated hours of each of its tasks.R
Actual Hours

These are the total hours the team has worked on a project till date. It is auto calculated based on the following formula:

Act. Hours = (Approved hours of T1 + Approved hours of T2 +...)

It is used by the system to automatically compute the Projected Finish date of all tasks and the project, which in turn is used to show the RAG signals.

Actual Costable Hours

This is the total of approved time entries which are marked Costable. It is auto calculated based on the following formula.

Actual Costable Hours = (Approved Costable hours of T1 + Approved Costable hours of T2)

It is used to compute the Actual Cost.

Planned CostThis is the cost a project is expected to incur based on your plan. While the budget simply indicates an amount you expect to spend, Est. Cost is calculated from the task duration, the associated resources and their costs plus any material or fixed costs that you expect to incur on a task. The sum of Estimated Costs of tasks is the Estimated Cost of a project. It helps the project manager ensure that the budget is realistic. Since this changes automatically every time you make a change to the project plan, it is recommended that the project manager regularly ensure that this amount is equal or less than the budget. For more information on Est. Cost, click here.R
Actual CostThis is the real / tangible cost incurred till date of the project. It is used to automatically compute the Projected Cost, which in turn is used to show the RAG signals that warns you of cost overruns well in advance. It can also be used to decide if a project is worth continuing. For more information on Act. Cost, click here.R
Projected Cost

This is the cost expected to be incurred on a project based on the current rate of the % complete. If projected cost exceeds the project budget then it requires immediate attention. For more information on Projected Cost, click here. The Projected Cost for the project is the sum of projected cost of all top level tasks.

If the project is 0% complete then Estimated cost = Projected Cost

Planned Labor CostThis is the total estimated labor cost of all the tasks in the project. It can be seen on a mouse over of the Cost (Est) on the project details page.R
Planned Non-labor CostThis is the amount you expect to spend on items like travel, equipment purchase etc. It is the sum of the Est. Material Costs of all tasks in the project. It can be seen on a mouse over of the Cost (Est) on the project details page.R
Fixed CostThis is the cost which will be incurred on a project regardless of who works on the task and for how long. It is the sum of the Est. Fixed Costs of all tasks in the project. It can be seen on a mouse over of the Cost (Est) on the project details page.R
Actual Fixed CostThis is the fixed cost incurred on a project till date. It is computed as the sum of Accrued Fixed Costs of all tasks in the project. It can be seen as the Fixed cost on a mouse over of the Cost(Act) on the project details page. For more information on different Costs, click hereR
Actual Billable HoursThis is the sum of hours from the approved time entries which are marked billable. This is used to calculate the Bill Amount for the project. Time is automatically marked as Billable if the charging model for the associated project is set as Hourly. You can also change this before approving a time entry.R
Actual Non-billable HoursThis is the sum of hours from the approved time entries which are marked not billable.R
Actual RevenueThis is the amount which is billed to the client. It is the sum of billable amounts of the tasks in the project. You can see it on the Project Details page or the Costing Summary report. 
It also includes the approved Expenses marked as billable.
Planned Labor Revenue

This is the estimated billing amount that the project might incur for completion. This column is only visible when you do
user based billing. It is calculated as the sum of estimated billable amounts of all top level tasks.

 If the Project's billing model is "Fixed Price" Billing, then Amount(Est, Billable)=Fixed Price value

Planned ProfitIt is calculated as: Planned Revenue - Planned CostR
Actual ProfitIt is calculated as: Actual Revenue - Actual CostR
Planned MarginIt is calculated as: Planned Profit / Planned RevenueR
Actual MarginIt is calculated as: Actual Profit / Actual RevenueR

For baseline attributes, click here.

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