Add/Edit/Delete an App item
Add/Edit/Delete an App item
To create an App item:
From Apps menu option (For both Project and Non project Apps)
- From the main menu, click on Add and from the Apps section, click on the appropriate app name whose instance you wish to initiate.
- Select the appropriate App for which you want to create an item.
- You can initiate Apps under a project or non-project (Workspace). Make a selection.
- Click on Next.
- Fill in the information in the different tabs as necessary.
- Other fields like the Assigned To, Requestor, etc are visible depending upon your Apps Definition.
- You can also attach local documents or a Google Documents at this stage if required.
- Click Submit.
From a Specific Project.
- Go to the project where you want to initiate an App.
- From the project actions , navigate to Add and then click on the appropriate App name.
- Fill in information in the different tabs as necessary.
- Click Submit
To edit a single app item:
- Go to the app item you want to edit.
- From the actions , click on Edit.
- Edit the required attributes.
- Click Submit. The changes will be saved.
To edit multiple app items:
You can edit the following attributes of app items in bulk:
- State
- Assigned To
- Priority
- Custom Fields.
To delete an App item:
- Go to the app item you want to edit.
- From the actions , click on Delete. The item will be deleted and will no more be seen in reports or when filling time on Weekly Time screen.
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