Auto-Update of Billable/Costable/Bill Rate/Cost Rate attributes

Auto-Update of Billable/Costable/Bill Rate/Cost Rate attributes

When a time entry is created, the Billable, Costable, Bill Rate and Cost Rate of the time entry are computed based on the Task's Billing Type, Timecode and rates specified. After an entry is created, if any of the parameters change that impact the 4, then Celoxis updates the same during the state change i.e from Pending Approval to Approved or Saved to Pending Approval. The table below indicates which attribute impacts what.

Time Entries in the Approved and Invoiced state are not modified automatically by Celoxis.

Auto compute B/C/BR/CR based on the change in
Time Entry Attributes unless User Specified otherwise
(all states EXCEPT Approved, Invoiced)

Billable (B)Costable (C)Bill Rate (BR)Cost Rate (CR)

Task Billing Type

Yes (if User-Based billing)Yes 

Time Code


Yes (if Time code based billing)


  • If 'Update bill/cost rates to latest' is selected from Bulk Edit Screen then all entries INCLUDING invoiced are auto-synced with latest rates. You cannot combine auto-sync with any other changes


  • Non-project time will always be saved as non-billable and its bill rate is always 0 regardless of any edits.
  • Cost rate is 0 for non-costable entries.
  • The system does not auto-update Billable/Costable/Bill Rate/Cost Rate in the following scenarios for Approved Time-entries.

    1. Company's billing model is changed (User vs Time Code based)
    2. Project's billing model is changed (Hourly vs Fixed Price)
    3. Time code's costable attribute is changed.
    It is the user's responsibility to update existing time entries using the bulk edit feature. Time entries created after the above changes will use the new values.

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