Time Phased Charts

Time Phased Charts

In Celoxis, you can create Pie chart and Bar chart report for your Hours Costs, Revenue fields, etc. for a particular month, with comparison. This helps you to monitor your Planned Vs Actuals. An good example would be comparing Billable and Non-billable hours for a specific duration as seen below:

To Create a this report:

  1. From the main menu, click Reports > All Reports.
  2. In the new pop-up, from the New Report drop-down list select Time Phased.
  3. In the new pop-up, enter the name of the report in the Name* box.
  4. In the Description box, type the description.
  5. From the Visible to Users drop-down list, select the appropriate option with whom you want to share the report.
  6. From the Visible to Clients drop-down list, select the clients with whom you want to share the report.
  7. In the Filters section, from the Add filter... drop-down list, select a filter. The selected filters are displayed under the Filtercolumn.
  8. Select the Prompt? check box if you want to display the selected filters in the report output window.
  9. In the Output tab under Chart section, select Charts.
  10. Pick the type of chart report you wish to create and pick relevant columns. 
  11. Click Save. The chart is displayed.