Debug bundle is a ZIP file containing your log files and other configuration. It helps our engineers and support representatives and results in a speedy resolution. To send us the debug bundle :
- Reproduce the issue.
- Log in as a user having administrator privileges.
- From main menu, go to Settings, and then click Site.
- Click Download Debug Bundle.
- You will be prompted to save a ZIP file. Save it on your computer.
- Attach the file to your support ticket.
In case and upgrade/install has failed, go to the following location and send us the file :
- Go to <Celoxis-install-directory>\psa_x.y.z\webapps\psa\WEB-INF\logs
- Zip the entire logs directory and send it to us.
It is important that you send us the log file immediately after reproducing the issue. Else, the log files will be overwritten and we will not be able to investigate further.