Celoxis provides you with the capability to view the load of your resources, their actual utilization, capacity and efficiency. This helps the project manager for better resource planning and management. Using these reports, the manager can move resources across projects or add more free resources on tasks to complete the schedule as expected.
You can create a report showing one or more of the available columns:
- Hours (Est)
- Hours (Act)
- Hours (Available)
- Free Hours(Est)
- Free Hours (Realtime)
- Utilization (Est)
- Utilization (Actual)
- Capacity (Est)
Capacity (Actual)
Hours (Act, Billable)
Hours (Act, Non-Billable)
You can also define grouping in the report with the available columns as listed:
- Resource: Name
- Resource: Workspace:
- Any custom field attached to a Resource (User).
- Project: Manager: Name
- Project: Name
- Client:Name
To create report of your choice, click here.
By default 5 reports are provided which are as follows:
- Resource Load Chart
- Resource Load Chart (Real-time)
- Resource Utilization (Planned v/s Actual)
- Resource Efficiency
- Resource Capacity
With this, you can also define the Optimal Load Between(Settings > Company > Under the 'Projects & Tasks' section) range desired for the resources. For example, in your company a resource being 80% allocated is the Optimal allocation for resources i.e the allocation on the reports will show in blue when the resource is 80% allocated; once the resource is allocated more than 80% it shows over-allocated.