PostgreSQL 9.x
The instructions are for example only, please talk to your database and system administrator to secure your database server.
First ensure that your PostgreSQL server is accepting TCP/IP connections from local host and from the machines on your internal network.
- Enable TCP/IP connections
- Edit postgresql.conf (On Linux, this will be most likely in /var/lib/pgsql/data while on Microsoft Windows, it is easily accessible from pgAdmin's File > Open postgresql.conf...
- Search for Connection Settings.
- Uncomment the line (if not already) listen_addresses = '*' i.e. it should not have # as the prefix.
- Save the file and exit.
- Allow connections from your local network:
Assuming your network address is and network mask is Edit pg_hba.conf (On Linux, this will be most likely in /var/lib/pgsql/data while on Microsoft Windows, it is easily accessible from pgAdmin's File > Open pg_hba.conf...)
Add the following lines to that file. If Celoxis will be running on the same server as your Postgresql server, then you only need the first line below.
local all all trust host all all trust host all all trust
- Save the file and exit.
Once you do the above changes, restart Postgresql. (On Linux, as root, type : /etc/init.d/postgresql restart and on Microsoft Windows choose Stop service and then Start service from All Programs > Postgresql)
Create a database user with name celoxis with a password. Note this down, you will be asked for this during installation.
On Linux, to create a user, use the createuser command as shown below:
$ createuser celoxis Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y CREATE ROLE $
On Microsoft Windows:
- Open pgAdmin program.
- Open the appropriate server node.
- Right click Login Roles and choose New Login Role...
- Enter celoxis as the Role name and optionally enter a password. Ensure that Account expires is empty.
- Select the Can create database objects option from Role Privileges.
- Click OK.
Create a database with UNICODE (or UTF8) character encoding where owner is the user celoxis. The database name should be the same as specified in your license request.
On Linux, to create a database with name celoxis, use the createdb command as shown below:
$ createdb -E UNICODE -U celoxis celoxis CREATE DATABASE $
On Microsoft Windows:
Open pgAdmin program.
Open the appropriate server node.
Right click on the Databases node and choose New Database...
Enter the correct database name, pick celoxis as the owner and choose UTF8 as the encoding.
Click OK.