

Describes a task

idInteger Primary key
project_idIntegerdb_project.idID this task's project
parent_idIntegerdb_task.idParent ID
folder_idIntegerdb_folder.idDocument folder ID
priorityInteger Priority. 1 for highest 5 for lowest
summaryString Short name
detailString Detailed description
flagsInteger Bit string of flags
duration_valueFloat Duration value (e.g. if duration is 2.5days this field will be 2.5)
actual_startDate Actual start
plan_startDate Planned start
plan_finishDate Planned finish
is_criticalBoolean (t or f) True if task is on critical path
is_milestoneBoolean (t or f) True if milestone
is_manualBoolean (t or f) True if manually scheduled
is_holdBoolean (t or f) True if on hold
early_startDate Early start
early_finishDate Early finish
late_startDate Late start
late_finishDate Late finish
actual_finishDate Actual finish
percent_completeInteger % complete
percent_complete_methodInteger % complete method
budgetFloat Budget
fixed_costFloat Fixed cost
est_non_labour_costFloat Estimated non labour cost
work_timeFloat Effort in minutes
my_b_time_moneyFloat Total billable time entries billing
ru_b_time_moneyFloat Total rolled-up billable time entries billing
my_nb_time_moneyFloat Total non-billable time entries billing
ru_nb_time_moneyFloat Total rolled-up non-billable time entries billing
my_nb_time_hoursFloat Total non-billable time (hours)
ru_nb_time_hoursFloat Total rolled-up non-billable time (hours)
my_b_time_hoursFloat Total billable time (hours)
ru_b_time_hoursFloat Total rolled-up billable time (hours)
my_c_time_hoursFloat Total costable time (hours)
ru_c_time_hoursFloat Total rolled-up costable time (hours)
my_b_expenseFloat Total billable expense
ru_b_expenseFloat Total rolled-up billable expense
my_nb_expenseFloat Total non billable expense
ru_nb_expenseFloat Total rolled-up non billable expense
my_c_expenseFloat Total costable expense
ru_c_expenseFloat Total rolled-up costable expense
my_nc_expenseFloat Total non costable expense
ru_nc_expenseFloat Total rolled-up non costable expense
my_i_expenseFloat Total invoiced expense
ru_i_expenseFloat Total rolled-up invoiced expense
my_i_time_moneyFloat Total invoiced time
ru_i_time_moneyFloat Total rolled-up invoiced time
my_i_time_hoursFloat Total invoiced hours
ru_i_time_hoursFloat Total rolled-up invoiced hours
my_est_costFloat Estimated cost to complete this task
ru_est_costFloat Rolled-up estimated cost to complete this task and its descendants
my_est_labour_costFloat Estimated labour cost
ru_est_labour_costFloat Rolled-up estimated labour cost
my_labour_costFloat Actual labour cost till now
ru_labour_costFloat Rolled-up actual labour cost till now
my_costFloat Actual cost for this task
ru_costFloat Actual cost for this task's descendants
my_est_labour_billingFloat Estimated labour billing for this task
ru_est_labour_billingFloat Estimated labour billing for this task's descendants
can_fill_timeBoolean (t or f) Can fill time on this task?
is_dep_solvedBoolean (t or f) Have all predecessors finished?
last_status_updateDate Date of the last status update
is_assignedBoolean (t or f) Is this task assigned to anyone
constraint_dateDate Constraint date
constraint_type_valueInteger Constraint type: 1 = ASAP, 2 = ALAP, 3 = MSO, 4 = MFO, 5 = SNET, 6 = SNLT, 7 = FNET, 8 = FNLT.
duration_typeInteger Duration units: 1 = Day, 2 = Hour, 3 = Week, 4 = Month, 5 = Year, 6 = Minute
is_summaryBoolean (t or f) Is this a summary task i.e. does this task have any sub tasks
is_duration_estimatedBoolean (t or f) Is the duration an approximation
is_duration_elapsedBoolean (t or f) Is the duration calendar elapsed time
projected_start_dateDate Projected start date
projected_deadlineDate Projected deadline
project_state_idInteger State of this task's project
archivedDate Date when project was archived
child_numberInteger Number in siblings
note_countInteger Total number of notes associated with this task
message_countInteger Total number of email messages associated with this task
status_update_countInteger Total number of task status updates associated with this task
expense_countInteger Total number of expenses associated with this task
time_entry_countInteger Total number of time entries associated with this task
document_countInteger Total number of documents associated with this task
projected_startDate Projected start date
projected_finishDate Projected finish date
followers_csvString Person ID CSV (-1 means project team), (-2 means PM)
Computed Columns:
spiFloat The schedule performance index using earned value method
cpiFloat The cost performance index using earned value method
bcwsFloat The budgeted cost of work scheduled using earned value method
bcwpFloat The budgeted cost of work performed using earned value method
acwpFloat The actual cost of work performed using earned value method
schedule_statusString The schedule status. Will be one of: ON_TIME, AT_RISK, OVERDUE, BLOCKED, FUTURE and COMPLETED
budget_statusString The budget status. Will be one of: ON_BUDGET, AT_RISK, OVER_BUDGET
project_summaryString The name of the project

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