

Views provide all your users a common point to find and manage different objects like projects, tasks, bugs, files and other work items in Celoxis. All Views will be visible to all users. There is no concept of private views.

A Project View

All the views are available under the Views option in the main menu. The following Views are available in your account:

  1. Projects
  2. Tasks
  3. Time Entries
  4. Expenses
  5. Discussions
  6. Files
  7. Resource Load
  8. Bugs
  9. Issues
  10. To-Dos
  11. Users
  12. Clients


  1. When you create a new app and make it active, it's relevant view will be automatically set up by the system.
  2.  If a particular module is disabled, then its associated view will not be visible on the menu.
  3. Views are not available for Client logins.
  4. Although views are available to all users, the data shown in the View is still governed by security.

Editing Views

Views, being lightweight lists, users cannot customize their columns or grouping information. The definition of any view can be edited only by a user with administrative privileges. To modify a view, click on the Edit option under the View's menu. Here the admin can set up filters and select columns to be displayed in the view. The changes made here will be reflected for all users. Users can, however, filter data (using dynamic filters) or sort on visible columns.


Views cannot be created or deleted by any user in Celoxis.

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