How to move the application to another machine

How to move the application to another machine

Assume that M1 is the old server and M2 is the new server. Further assume that the application is installed at C:\celoxis on M1 and we want to move it to
the same location on M2.

Before you begin

  • Know your data directory location. Data directory is where the application keeps all uploaded files. 
    To know your data directory:
    1. Login to the application on M1.
    2. From the main menu, click Settings>Site.
    3. Click Edit Settings.
    4. Check under the Data Directory section.
  • Create new database and copy data from old database (if required)
  1. If you are changing your database server, you will need to create and configure a new database for the application. Note down the new database's host name, database name, user name and password. This will be required later. For instructions on how to create a new database, please read : Database Setup
  2. Once you create this new database, copy over the database from the old server to the new server.

Apply for a license

  • You will require a license from us to install the software on your new server. Use the same information used to create the new database to apply for a license else the license file will be invalid. To apply for a license, please visit : http://www.celoxis.com/license.php. You will receive the license file from us in one business day.

    License Issue Policy

    The Celoxis license is tied to a hardware. In order to avoid abuse, our policy is to give 2 free licenses a year. This should cover hardware failures/upgrades/reorganization.
    Temporary licenses are not counted towards 2 free licenses. Additional license request need to go through an approval process and will be charged.

  • You need to send us a signed disclaimer document (attached with this page) so that we can send you the new license file.

Install and configure Java on M2

  • You will need to install and configure Java on the new machine. For instructions please read Before You Begin

Copy application binaries to M2

  1. Copy the entire C:\celoxis directory from M1 to M2. Now you will have C:\celoxis on M2.
  2. Save the license.properties file that you have received in email from us for M2 on your computer.
  3. Copy the license.properties file to C:\celoxis\psa_x.y.z\webapps\psa\WEB-INF\conf on M2.

Copy data directory to M2

  1. Assuming data directory is C:\celoxis\data on M1. Copy it to C:\celoxis\data on M2.
  2. Ensure that C:\celoxis\data has requisite permissions.

Update new database settings on M2

  1. Open the file C:\celoxis\psa_x.y.z\webapps\psa\WEB-INF\conf\db.properties on M2.
  2. Change the user name and password properties in the file to their new values. If you are using the same database login and password, you will not need to change anything.
  3. Save the file.

Stop application on M1

Start application on M2

To edit settings on M2

  1. Logon to the application on M2.
  2. From the main menu, click Settings > Site.
  3. Click Edit Settings.
  4. Change the URL prefix to use M2 instead of M1. E.g. then you will have to enter something like http://M2.mycompany.com:8888/
  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart the Application.

After the migration

After you finish moving the application to the new server, check the following by logging in with different user accounts, to ensure that the migration was successful. 

  1. Check if the dashboard loads correctly with all the reports you had selected before the migration.
  2. Try to upload some documents in different projects.
  3. Try to download and open an previously uploaded document.
  4. Search for any particular document, project, task, etc.
  5. Run some reports

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