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Celoxis provides you with the capability to view the accurate load of your resources, their actual utilization, capacity and efficiency which enables data driven planning and decision making across the project lifecycle. This helps the project manager for better resource planning and management. Using these reports, the manager can move resources across projects or add more free resources on tasks to complete the schedule as expected and thereby get a good hold on resource management.

Celoxis provides 5 pre-defined reports, which are the perfect set of tools for managers to plan and manage their resources. With the ability to track resource load, utilization and efficiency, these enable data driven planning and decision making across the project life cycle. 

  1. Resource Load Chart
  2. Resource Load Chart (Real-time)
  3. Resource Utilization (Planned v/s Actual)
  4. Resource Efficiency
  5. Resource Capacity

Additionally, you can also create a report to suit your requirements. To create a report, click here.

These reports contain one or more of the below columns:

Applicable ToTask, Project, ResourceResource
ColumnDescriptionFormula / Example
Hours (Est)These are the number of hours a resource is allocated or expected to spend on an assigned task.If the resource is not allocated, then the Hours(Est) for that task is blank.

Task = T1, Duration = 1d, Resource 1 = 100% and Resource 2 = 50% allocation
{Working calendar for both = 8 hours}.

For Resource: Hours (Est) for R1 is 8 and R2 is 4. 
  • For Task=12h.
  • For Project=12h or Hours (Est) roll-up of all the topmost tasks.
  • Task, Project, Resource.
    Hours (ActHours (Actual)These are the approved number of hours a resource has actually spent on a task, app item or non-project activity.
    The Hours(Actual) for a resource on a task is calculated even if the resource is not allocated on that task and has filled time on it.Hours (Actual) = Approved hours of a Task.
    For e.g. Task = T1, Duration = 1d, Resource 1 = 100% Work=8h.
    Resource fills hours on T1 for 5h which gets approved. Then,
  • For Resource: Hours (Actual)=5h.
  • For Tasks: Hours (Actual)=5h.
  • For Project: Hours (Actual)=5h i.e  Hours (Actual) roll-up of all the topmost tasks + Hours (Actual) of the App items
  • For App items:  Approved hours of an App item.
  • For Non-Project: Time submitted against the non-project timecode. 
    Task, Project,  App items, Non Project, Resource.
    Hours (Available)The working hours of a resource depending on the work calendar timings and exceptions; if any.A work calendar for Monday to Friday with work timings as: 8:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00 means that a resource assigned to this calendar has Hours (Available)=8 for any particular working day and 40h for a week. If the resource has a non-working exception on say Wednesday, then the
    Hours (Available) for that week are 32.
    Free Hours(Est)These are the remaining estimated hours the resource is available in a particular period.For Resource: .
    • At Task and Project levels, this column will show the estimated hours.
    • At resource level, this column will show the Hours (Available) - Hours (Est) of the resource in the selected period.For Task: Hour (Est).
    • For Project: Hour (Est)  of all the topmost task.
    Free Hours (Realtime)These are remaining actual hours the resource is available in a particular periodThis is a dynamically computed column that shows free hours based on actual approved hours for all past dates and free hours based on remaining effort for present and future dates till the task's finish date.
    • For Resource:
      • Past dates = Hours (Available) - Hours (Actual)
      • Present & Future dates = The free hours based on remaining planned effort
      Hours (Est)
      • spread proportional to the resource availability. 
    • For Task and Project:
      Past dates = Hours (ActActual)
      Present & Future dates = The remaining planned effort Hours (Est) spread proportional to the resource availability.

    Task,Project, Resource
    Utilization (Est)The estimated resource utilization.

    Hours (Est)/Hours (Available) as a percentage
    Utilization (Actual)The actual resource utilization.Hours (Actual)//Hours (Available) as a percentageResource
    Capacity (Est)The estimated resource capacity.
    1- Utilization (Est) as a percentageResource
    Capacity (Actual)The actual resource capacity.
    1- Utilization (Actual) as a percentageResource
    EfficiencyThe efficiency or performance of a resource.Hours (Est)/Hours (Actual) as a percentageResource
    Hours (Act, Billable)The actual approved and billable hours for a resource, task, project or project- app items.
    • For Resource:
      The hours entered by the resource which are approved as billable.
    • For Task:
       The hours entered by the resource for a task which are approved as billable.
    • For Project:
      The Hours (Act, Billable) of all the top-most tasks + the hours (approved as billable) on app items.

    This is applicable for Task, Project, Resource, Apps.


    Hours (Act, Non-Billable)The actual approved and non-billable hours for a resource, task, project or project- app items.For Resource:
    The hours entered by the resource which are approved as non-billable.
  • For Task:
     The hours entered by the resource for a task which are approved as non-billable.
  • For Project:
    The Hours (Act, Non-Billable) of all the top-most tasks + the hours (approved as non-billable) on app items.
  • Task, Project, Resource, Apps, Non Project.


    Hours (Invoiced)The actual approved, billable, invoiced hours. for a resource, task, project or project- app items.
    • For Resource:
      The hours entered by the resource which are approved as billable and marked Invoiced.
    • For Task:
       The hours entered by the resources for a task which are approved as billable and marked Invoiced.
    • For Project:
      The Hours (Act, Billable) of all the top-most tasks marked Invoiced + the hours (approved as billable and invoiced) on app items.
    Task, Project, Resource, Apps


    You can also define grouping in the report with the available columns as listed:

    • Resource: Name
    • Resource: Workspace:
    • The custom fields of type: Date, Formula (with output type Text), Single line text and Single select drop-down are available for grouping.
    • Project: Manager: Name
    • Project: Name
    • Client:Name

    Defining Optimal Load:

    You can also define the range for Optimal Load Between(Settings > Company > Under the 'Projects & Tasks' section) range desired for the resources.
    For example, in your company a resource being 80% allocated is the Optimal allocation for resources i.e the allocation on the reports will show in green when the resource is 80% allocated; once the resource is allocated more than 80% it shows over-allocated. if you define your optimal load between 80% to 90% means that the resource load between 80% and 90% will show up in green (optimal) whereas anything below 80% will show up in Blue(Underallocated). Similarly, anything above 90% is Red(Overallocated).

    1. The following
    1. legend are used to indicate the load:
      Blue: Underallocated.
      Green: Optimal.
      Red: Overallocated.
      Gray (dotted): Exceptions (Working/Non-Working).
      Yellow (NW): Non Working day.

      The color coding is only available for Hours (Est) and Utilization (Est) column.

    2. The grand total row at the bottom and the period totals are also displayed in the report.

    3. All resources; irrespective to whether they have allocation in the selected period are visible on the report.

    4. You can also use the options: Cumulative and Show Totals Only.
      Cumulative: This option will show you the successive additions of the selected column for that row.
      Show Totals Only: This will only show the totals per grouping that you have selected; instead of the entire data.