

Table Reference 

db_assignmentDescribes resource assignment for this task
db_auditAudit trail on objects
db_baselineBaselined attributes for projects and tasks
db_calendar_eventDescribes an event object in the calendar
db_companyStores organization related information. Every record corresponds to an organization.
db_custom_reportCustom report
db_discussion_subscriptionUser subscription to a discussion. When a user subscribes to a discussion he/she will receive emails of any posts in this discussion.
db_document_ciCheckin of a document
db_document_coCheckout of a document
db_event_invitationEvent invitation
db_expenseDescribes an expense
db_expense_codeDescribes expense codes
db_expense_itemDescribes line item in an expense
db_folderDetails of the folder object. Folder stores other folders, documents, urls and forums
db_fs_fileDetails of a file that is stored on the disk
db_membershipMaps group versus user
db_messageDetails of emails sent and received
db_message_attachmentsEmail attachments
db_noteNotes associated with tasks and contacts
db_personStores resources, contacts, clients and users
db_processDescribes a process
db_process_state_mgrProcess state managers. A user is a manager of a particular state in a particular category.
db_process_typeDescribes a process type
db_process_updateUpdates on a process includes assignee changes, comments or state transitions
db_projectDescribes a project
db_project_typeDescribes the project category
db_project_stateDescribes project states
db_reminderDescribes a reminder of a calendar event
db_report_customizationCustomization of a report
db_slaTime out policy
db_sla_assignmentAssignment of SLAs to groups or projects
db_sla_entryTimeout rules
db_stateWorkflow process state
db_state_transitionWorkflow state transition
db_taskDescribes a task
db_task_dependencyDescribes task dependencies
db_task_exceptionDescribes a task exception
db_task_updateStatus updates on tasks
db_time_entryDescribes an individual time entry in the time sheet
db_working_calendarWorking calendar. There is always a default calendar for every company.
db_working_timeDescribes the working time for a day. It supports 3 intervals for now.

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