

Describes a project

idInteger Primary key
codeString A unique project code
createdDate Date this project was created
type_idIntegerdb_project_category.idID of its project category
workspace_idIntegerdb_group.idID of the group this project belongs to
client_idIntegerdb_person.idClient ID
manager_idIntegerdb_person.idPrimary Project Manager ID
priorityInteger Priority. 1 is for highest and 5 for lowest.
nameString Short name of this project
descriptionString Detail
markdown_detailString Detail
budgetFloat Budget
folder_idIntegerdb_folder.idID of its document folder
archivedDate Date when the project is in an 'end' phase
archived_by_idInteger ID of the user who archived this project
projected_hoursFloat Projected cost
projected_costFloat Projected cost
projected_finishDate Projected finish date
planned_startDate Planned start date of this project
planned_finishDate Planned finish date of this project. This will be the max of plan_finish of its tasks.
actual_finishDate The time when all tasks report 100%
deadlineDate The deadline of this project
duration_hoursFloat Duration of the project in hours
actual_percent_completeInteger % complete
actual_fixed_costFloat Accumulated fixed cost for this project
actual_labor_costFloat Accumulated user cost for this project
actual_costFloat Total accumulated cost
actual_costable_expenseFloat Total costable expense
actual_non_costable_expenseFloat Total non-costable expense
actual_billable_expenseFloat Total billable expense
actual_non_billable_expenseFloat Total non-billable expense
planned_effortFloat Total estimated work in minutes
planned_labor_revenueFloat Estimated labour billing
planned_labor_costFloat Total estimated labour cost
planned_non_labor_costFloat Total estimated non-labour cost
planned_fixed_costFloat Total estimated fixed cost
actual_billable_labor_amountFloat Total billable time sheet billing
actual_non_billable_labor_amountFloat Total non-billable time sheet billing
actual_billable_labor_hoursFloat Billable time sheet hours
actual_non_billable_labor_hoursFloat Non-billable time sheet hours
actual_costable_labor_hourFloat Costable time sheet hours
invoiced_expenseFloat Total invoiced expense
invoiced_labor_amountFloat Total invoiced time
invoiced_labor_hoursFloat Total invoiced hours
percent_complete_methodInteger Default % complete method for tasks
default_schedule_typeInteger Default schedule type for tasks
note_countInteger Total number of notes associated with its tasks
message_countInteger Total number of email messages associated with its tasks
status_update_countInteger Total number of task status updates associated with its tasks
expense_countInteger Total number of expenses associated with its tasks
time_entry_countInteger Total number of time entries associated with its tasks
riskInteger PPM risk. 1 is for Very Low and 5 for Very High. The potential negative impact that may arise from this project.
benefitInteger Number between 0 to 100. The potential for financial or operational gain upon successful completion.
alignmentInteger Number between 0 to 100. The measure of how closely this project's requirements fit within the organizations business model, goals, skill sets, and resources.
default_baselineInteger The default baseline to use in baseline comparisons
Computed Columns:
spiFloat The schedule performance index using earned value method
cpiFloat The cost performance index using earned value method
bcwsFloat The budgeted cost of work scheduled using earned value method
bcwpFloat The budgeted cost of work performed using earned value method
acwpFloat The actual cost of work performed using earned value method
schedule_statusString The schedule status. Will be one of: ON_TIME, AT_RISK, OVERDUE, BLOCKED, FUTURE and COMPLETED
budget_statusString The budget status. Will be one of: ON_BUDGET, AT_RISK, OVER_BUDGET
client_root_nameString The name of the client root in this project's client hierarchy
client_nameString The name of this project's client
manager_nameString The name of this project's manager

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