Create Projects

Create Projects

Function name



  • data (Required). It is an array of project fields. The details of the fields are as follows:

      project_category_id (Required). ID or Name of the project category. 
      summary (Required). A short description of the project. 
      plan_start (Required). Date. The planned start date of this project. 
      deadline (Optional). Date. The planned finish date of this project. 
      manager_id (Required). ID or Name of the project manager. 
      client_id (Optional). ID or Name of the client. 
      code (Optional). A unique code for the project. 
      priority (Optional). Integer between 1 (Very High) and 5 (Very Low) 
      detail (Optional). A detailed description for this project. 
      state_id (Optional). The ID or Name of the project phase. 
      budget (Optional). Number. The budget for this project. 
      workspace_id (Required). ID or Name of the project's department.
      billing_model (Optional). Integer. 1 for Fixed and 2 for Hourly.
      fixed_price(Optional). Integer. The amount if your billing model is fixed price.   
      custom_field_1 (Optional). The custom field attached to a project. You need to use the Formula Key of the custom field. 

Return Values


When your data format is XML, you should post something like this: 

    <item> <!--create projects-->
      <manager_id>Mary Jane</manager_id>
      <client_id>Acme Consulting</client_id>
      <state_id>In Planning</state_id>
      <summary>Project #1</summary>
      <Start_up_cost>500</Start_up_cost> <!--Start_up_cost is the formula key of a custom field attached to a project>
      <summary>Project #2</summary>

In case of JSON, you should submit an array of objects with the same properties.

    "project_category_id" : "Animation",
    "manager_id" : "Mary Jane",
    "client_id" : "Acme Consulting",
    "state_id" : "In Planning",
    "workspace_id" : "Technical",
    "summary" : "Project #1",
    "priority" : "2",
    "plan_start" : "2010-11-02T08:00:00",
    "deadline" : "2010-11-04T17:00:00",
    "Start_up_plan: : "500",
    "budget" : "100000",
    "project_category_id" : "101",

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