Understanding User Licensing

Understanding User Licensing

You can add users with or without logins. Only users with logins are considered towards your licenses. Further, licenses are not named. i.e. at any given time, the total number of users with login should not exceed your licensed users.

Since SaaS customers can purchase licenses at different points of time, it is possible that their "loginable" users exceed the licensed users when one of their licenses expire. In this case their account is locked (only the administrator can log in) unless they extend their license or the administrator archives the excess users. In order to prevent such situations, the application shows a warning message to all users for one week prior to license expiration.

Licensed Users (Users with login account)

Only users with logins can logon and access the application. Licensed users can use all features of the system such as create projects, view tasks assigned to them, update the status of tasks, fill time/expenses, upload documents and so on. They receive email alerts for various actions within the system e.g when tasks are assigned to them.

Unlicensed Users (users without login account)

These are users that do not have a login and hence will not be able to access Celoxis. You can have an unlimited number of such unlicensed users

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