iCal Export

iCal Export

iCal is a standards based file format for exchanging scheduling information (like events and to-dos) between different applications. You can view your Celoxis events in another application such as Microsoft Outlook®, Mozilla, Thunderbird or Google Calendar.

To export an event:

  1. Login to Celoxis and from the right-side of your main menu, click on  icon.
  2. Click  option from top-right.
  3. Copy the URL from the new-popup and click OK.
  4. Paste the URL in your calendar. The events are exported in your calendar.

Filters when exporting:

Celoxis allows you to export only your events OR tasks OR projects or a combination of any of these. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Celoxis and from the right-side of your main menu, click on  icon.
  2. Click  option from top-right.
  3. Copy the URL and when pasting it in your ical Calendar after appending the following:
    &filter=task, project, event
    For example, http://app.celoxis.com/psa/cal.ics.do?token=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX&filter=task,event

    You can give any combination of Task, Project, Event. Not specifying anything means all the data will be exported.

  1. When you export the calendar from Celoxis, only the events, projects and tasks of the logged in user are exported, even though you might see other users events in Celoxis Calendar.
  2. This export is a one way synchronization i.e. when you export the Celoxis calendar to say Outlook, then changes made to any particular event/project/task in Outlook will not be reflected in Celoxis. Changes to a event/project/task in Celoxis will be reflected in your Calendar with some delay. This time depends on the refresh period of the Calendar (Outlook, etc) and for that, please refer the documentation of your application.

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