Resource Capacity

Resource Capacity

As a Project Manager, you may want to measure the resource capacity at any point in order to meet changing project demands and make informed resourcing decisions for new projects. This view helps you to understand the estimated capacity of his resources in the selected period to aid in capacity planning. 

This is calculated as 1- Utilization (Est) as a percentage.

Lets look at an example: Peter's estimated utilization is as follows:


So, Peter's capacity for September is [(1-(17/100))*100] = 83%. For the remaining months, he is at full capacity, since he has no allocations.

Often when planning projects, for tasks in the future, managers may not be able to exactly tell which resource would be allocated on which task. Celoxis provides a unique capability to create and assign tasks to Virtual Resources which you can replace later with the appointed resource on the task. For instance, you can assign a task to a generic resource called ‘Graphic Designer’ and replace this resource with a specific user later. 

Celoxis allows you to create as many virtual Resources as you may wish. You can then see the allocation of hours against these Generic Resources on the Resource Load Chart in tandem with this report to decide how to schedule your tasks, whether they can be done in parallel, how many resources you would need to hire if you were to execute the tasks in parallel etc... Using these reports you can define resource plans for proposed projects and work and analyze these plans against estimated resource capacity.


If your users play multiple roles in different workspaces, then we recommend creating a custom field  (single select dropdown) on users - "Primary Department" and group on that field, instead of Workspace .

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