Sync Time Entries

Sync Time Entries

The Celoxis app for QuickBooks Online provides "Sync with QuickBooks Online (BETA)" report which lists all your Celoxis Approved & Billable Time Entries. This is particularly helpful when you want to see details of entries, if they are synced and date when they were synced. You can also apply dynamic filters (Date, Client name and Manager name) to further refine the data in your reports.

The "Sync with QuickBooks Online (BETA)" report is a special report that is enabled only when Celoxis is connected to QuickBooks Online. This report can be accessed from the Time menu.



Sync with QuickBooks Online report provides two new columns, "QuickBooks Online Id" and  "Last synced at" . "QuickBooks Online Id" column displays the time entry's corresponding ID in QuickBooks Online and "Last synced at"  column shows the time stamp when the entry was synced. Blank values indicate the entry is yet to be synced with QuickBooks Online company.



"The QuickBooks Online Id" and "Last synced at" columns are available in any time entry report if your Celoxis account is connected to QuickBooks Online.

Steps to sync time entries                  

Invoice privilege is required.

  1. Select the time entries you want to sync. 

  2. Click on bulk actions menu icon  and select Sync with QuickBooks Online action. 

  3. The system will sync the selected time entries and corresponding QBO Ids and Last synced at values will be updated.


Please note the following:

  1. Once entries are synced, users will see a "Last synced at" label on the time entry's single edit screen.
  2. Once entries are Invoiced, they will no longer appear under the "Sync with QuickBooks Online" report.


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