Project Security

Project Security

Set Role Memberships

At times you may wish to allow some specific users to play a specific role on your project. For example, you may want a user to be a additional PM on this project. To do this

  1. Go to your project and click on the action drop-down 
  2. Then go to Settings and click on Set Role Memberships.
  3. From the Users drop down, pick the user you wish to assign (or unassign)
  4. From the Roles drop down, pick the role you wish to assign (or unassign)
  5. Click on the Assign (Unassign) button

Set Security

This lets you define some security options specific to your project. If a permission at the Company level is left 'unspecified', then the object (project) level security is consulted. 

  1. Go to your project and click on the action drop-down 
  2. Then go to Settings and click on Set Security.
  3. For the roles, you can choose to Grant / Deny or leave Unspecified permissions.