Project Views

Project Views

You can create project reports/views which allow you to see data specific to that project. 
For example, if you create a 'Bug' view, it will appear across all projects, however, when you run this from your project, you will see bugs initiated in this specific project only.

To create a project view:

  1. Login as an user with administrative privileges and click on Administration under the user icon.
  2. From the Project Management section, click on Project Views.
  3. Click Add and select the type of report you wish to create.

  4. In the Name* box, type the name of the report.
  5. Fill in the other details. Select columns, filters, Sort by and Group By as per your requirement.
  6. Click Save. The report is added to the list.  Now, when you go to a project, you will see this view in one of the tabs.


To edit a project-specific report :

  1. Login as an user with administrative privileges and click on Administration under the user icon.
  2. From the Project Management section, click on Project Views.
  3. Click on the pencil-shaped icon besides the View name to edit it. 
  4. Make necessary changes and click on Save. The changes are applied to the view across projects.

To remove a project-specific report :

  1. Login as an user with administrative privileges and click on Administration under the user icon.
  2. From the Project Management section, click on Project Views.
  3. Click on the delete icon besides the View name to delete it. 
  4. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion. The view is removed across all the projects.

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