Exporting Reports

Exporting Reports

Reports in Celoxis can be exported in any of the following formats:
  • PDF
  • CSV
  • CSV (Grouped)
To export a report:
  1. Run the report you want to export.
  2. Click on the actions drop-down of the report and point to Download. The available options to download will be visible. 
  3. Click on the option of your choice. The report will be downloaded.


When exporting the report to CSV, certain custom fields will show HTML tags in the file. This is because, you have applied special formatting which the Excel or the text editor cannot comprehend. To fix this,

  1. Open the CSV in Excel.
  2. Select the mentioned column and do the "Find and Replace" (CTRL + H).
    1. For "Find What" field, enter <*>
    2. Leave the "Replace" field blank. This will remove all the HTML tags and only show the text contained in your output.

In case, you are using LibreOffice/OpenOffice, replace <*> with <[^>]+>

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