Adding, Editing and Deleting Project States

Adding, Editing and Deleting Project States

Celoxis allows you to define your project states which depict the current stage of your project.

To add a Project State:

  1. Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
  2. Under the Project Management section, click on Project States.
  3. In the new pop-up, click on the Add button.

  4. A new line will appear where you can type the name of your state.

  5. Under the Stage drop-down, select the appropriate stage. For more information on Project Stages, refer here

  6. Check the Allow Time checkbox if you want users to fill time on projects in this state.

  7. Click on Save. The new state will get saved and will appear under the ‘State’ drop-down on New/Edit Project page.

    • The order of the States you see here is the same as you will see under the ‘State’ drop-down on the New/Edit project page. You can re-order this by dragging-dropping the states here.

    • You can create a maximum of 15 states.

    • The State name can only have the maximum of 30 characters.

To edit a project State:

  1. Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
  2. Under the Project Management section, click on Project States.
  3. Click on the pencil-shaped icon to edit the Name, Stage, Allow Time (checkbox) of the State.

  4. Click on Save. The changes are applied.     

    • Changing the ‘Stage’ of the State will impact the health indicators and projected dates.

    • Changing the ‘Allow Time’ policy will toggle the ability to add new time or submit saved entries. Ensure this before editing the state.

To delete a project State:

  1. Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.

  2. Under the Project Management section, click on Project States.

  3. Click on the small cross icon to delete the project phase.

  4. Click on Save. You will be prompted to select a state for the projects which are in the state you are deleting.

  5. After selecting the new state, click on Save. All the project which were in that state will now have the new state you selected. 

    • While deleting a state, you will be prompted to select a state to which the existing projects in that state will be re-assigned.
    • There needs to be at least 1 phase in Execution and Closure stage individually.

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