Examples of PHP API
Examples of PHP API
You will have to create a file with .php extension for executing this.
To fetch all projects where percent complete is > 0 and manager_id is 29863
$rows = $api->query(array('table'=>'db_project', 'db_project.percent_complete.>' => 0, 'manager_id' => 29863)); foreach ($rows as $row) { echo 'id=' . $row['id']; echo 'summary=' . $row['summary']; echo '<br/>'; }
To create a project
$api->create("projects", array( array('project_category_id'=> 7864, 'summary'=>'create by api 1', 'plan_start' => $api->encodeDate(2013, 6, 1), 'deadline' => $api->encodeDate(2013, 12, 31), 'manager_id' => 29863, 'client_id' => 29862) ) );
For more details, download the PHP API here.
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