Differences between Celoxis and Microsoft Project

Differences between Celoxis and Microsoft Project

Due to a few variances between Celoxis and Microsoft Project, 2-way synchronization can at times throw a few surprises. In order to achieve seamless integration between Celoxis and Microsoft Project it is important to understand these differences. The following table mentions the differences between the behaviour.


In Celoxis

In MS Project

A new task (auto) has an ASAP constraint. Once you change the date only then is an SNET or an appropriate constraint set.

Task dates become constraints. Besides, you can only have one constraint at a time. So you cannot enter both, start and end.

Resource allocation can be entered in hours(h) or as a percentage (%).

The allocations specified in hours are converted to an equivalent % and then exported.

Custom fields created in MSP are not imported in Celoxis.

Custom fields created in Celoxis are not imported in MSP.

Time-based exceptions like half day, etc. affect task start/finish dates.

Time-based exceptions not supported.

Project’s calendar and resource calendar can have different time zones.

Multiple timezones not supported.

When exporting a project with a baseline from Celoxis, it is imported as “Baseline” in MSP.

Supports multiple baselines.



  1. Why do the task dates move after exporting to MS Project?
    The discrepancies in the dates may occur due to various reasons as mentioned in the table above. If any of the following is true, Celoxis cannot guarantee that the dates will be imported as-is.

  2. Why does the % Complete in Celoxis differ from the % Complete in MS Project?
    Celoxis calculates % Complete based on the Work(h). For details refer: https://celoxis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/YgCyAg
    MS Project, however, has two fields for the same: %Work Complete and % Complete. You are expected to refer the % Work Complete in MS Project column for this.

  3.  Why is an MS Project file not exported?
     Celoxis provides an output (.xml) supported across any platforms which can open such kind of files. MS Project can also support this extension.


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