Project Baseline Attributes

Project Baseline Attributes

Baseline %CompThis indicates the % Complete of the project when it was baselined. This is compared against the Deadline (Baseline) date of the project.R
Baseline BudgetThe budget of the project when the project was baselined.R
Baseline CostThe estimated cost of the project when the project was baselined.R
Baseline DeadlineThe Finish/Deadline date of a project when it was baselined.R
Baseline Deadline VarianceThe difference in days between the current Deadline date and the Deadline date when the project was baselined.R
Baseline StartThe start date of the project when it was baselined.R
Baseline Start VarianceThe difference in days between the current Start date and the Start date when the project was baselined.R
Baseline EffortThe Work in hours when the project was baselinedR
Baseline Effort VarianceThe difference between the current Work and the Work when the project was baselined.R