1. Before you begin

1. Before you begin

  1. Your database server must be up and running and you must have created a database and a database user for Celoxis. If not, first do that as described in Database Setup
    Keep your database information ready: database name, login, password. You will be asked to input these during the installation process.

    It is advisable that you test your database setup before you proceed with the actual installation. For steps, refer here.

  2. Download and install JDK 8 from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
    The version of Java (32-bit or 64-bit) should be as per your Operating system (32-bit or 64-bit). Note : You need to install JDK and not JRE.
  3. Download the Celoxis directory (psa_version_no) to the server where Celoxis needs to be installed. The download link must be in the mail sent to you by our Support Team. 

    Create a folder where Celoxis will be installed: C:\celoxis on Microsoft Windows using Windows Explorer and /usr/local/celoxis on Linux.
    Place the zipped file in that folder and unzip it using your favorite unzip tool. You should now have C:\celoxis\psa_x.y.z directory and this directory should have sub directory like bin, conf, webapps, etc. 

  4. You should have received a license.properties file in an email from us that contains your license information. Save that file on to your server where Celoxis will be installed; in the folder you created in point 3. You will be asked to upload this file during the installation process.