

A few predefined functions are also available. The purpose of these will be obvious as stated below:

formatDate${formatDate(entity.start)}Prints a project date as per the format specified in the viewer's preferences.
Date.format${Date.format(entity.startCalendar, "MM-MMMM")}Prints the Month of project's start date. 11-November
formatDateTime${formatDateTime(entity.start)}Prints project date and time as per viewer's preferences.
formatCurrency${formatCurrency(entity.budget)}Prints a currency field prefixed with the currency symbol as specified in the company profile.
formatNumber${formatNumber(entity.bcws)}Prints a number as per the viewer's locale. Especially useful when printing floating pointing number.
hoursToHHMM${hoursToHHMM(entity.estimatedHours)}Prints hours in the form HH:MM. For example, ${hoursToHHMM(3.5)} will print 3:30
ceil${ceil(5.3)}Returns the nearest integer larger than the input. For example ${ceil(5.3)} will return 6
floor${floor(4.8)}Returns the nearest integer smaller than the input. For example ${floor(4.8)} will return 4
abs${abs(-3.2)}Returns the absolute value of a number. For example ${abs(-3.2)} will return 3.2
round${round(3.6)}Returns the rounded value of input. For example ${round(3.6)} will return 4
Date.now()${Date.now()}Prints today's date.
entity.created${entity.created}Prints the created date of the entity. For e.g, the date when a project was created.
Date.addDays(Date, days) ${Date.addDays(entity.Create_Invoice_Date, 30)}Prints the date after adding the entered days. For example, Create_Invoice_Date is a custom field having a date 13-Oct-2015. So adding 30 days will result in 13-Nov-2015.
${entity.New_DueDate).after(entity.completed) : 'OnTime' ? 'Delayed'}Prints On Time or Delayed after comparing first date with second.
Date.isoToDate('date') Date.isoToDate('2016-12-01') Displays date as per your Display date format.

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