Troubleshooting mail issues
Troubleshooting mail issues
Celoxis Mail Peek is a java program that helps understanding of connection issues with your incoming email server.
Click here to download the mail-peek.zip file.
- Unzip the mail-peek.zip file. It should create a folder with the file MailPeek.class in it.
- Open a command prompt and cd to the folder that contains the MailPeek.class file.
- On Microsoft Windows run the program (substituting values according to your configuration) as:
java -cp .;lib/* MailPeek <server> <username> <password> <protocol>
On Linux or Mac OS run the program (substituting values according to your confiuration) as:
java -cp '.:lib/*' MailPeek <server> <username> <password> <protocol>
You will receive a success message if the connection was successful. If the connection fails, an error message will be printed.
server The hostname of your imap or pop3 server. E.g, for Gmail, it's imap.gmail.com username The login to your imap or pop3 server password The password to your imap or pop3 server protocol One of imap, imaps, pop3 or pop3s. E.g. for Gmail, it's imaps
, multiple selections available,