Some common issues setting up the Client ID

Some common issues setting up the Client ID

Following are some common issues when setting up the Google client ID.

  1. Error: 400. That’s an error.

    You are entering the incorrect application URL.
    • The URL you typed in the browser with which you are accessing Celoxis, is not the one you have entered when creating the Google client. 
    • You have not entered the correct application URL when creating the Google client. Change this to match the URL with which you access Celoxis.

  2. Error: Invalid_client.
               no application name

    This happens because you are using an existing project which does not have a Product Name entered. To resolve:
    1. Go to the Google Developers Console.

    2. Select the project you created.

    3. From the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth.

    4. Under this, click on the Consent screen.

    5. Select the Email address for your account.

    6. Under Product name enter a product name/name of the project.

    7. Click on Save.