Assigning resources in percentage(%) or hours(h)

Celoxis allows you to allocate a resource in either % or Hr.

Allocation in percentage(%):

When you allocate a resource in % on a task, you tell Celoxis how much time of every hour will this resource be dedicated on a task from his work hours.
For example, a resource works from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM and you allocate a resource 50%, it means he will work 1/2 of every hour in his working time on the task i.e 4 hours. Similarly 25% means 2 hours and 100 % 8 hours. The work is equally divided among the resources and they work according to their allocations.

When you allocate a resource in %, the formula W=D * U is applicable. For details, refer here.

Allocation in hours(Hr)

When resources are allocated in hours on a task, then the allocation is done for those hours across that duration equally, till the work is exhausted. So for example, if a resource is allocated 4 hours of work across a task of duration 2 days, that in turn translates into 2 hours each day.

When allocating resources in hours, the formula D * U = W does not apply.