As an administrator user, you can enable/disable features as per your company requirements. Enabling/Disabling a feature can cause certain options to be hidden or shown in the application.
For example, if your company does not do "Billing", and hence, you pick - None - as your Billing model, then the associated columns like Bill Amount, Bill Rates, Billable Flag are not available in reports or task/project details page. Similarly, while creating/editing a project, the Billing Model field is not shown.
Account Management
Custom Fields
- Adding/Editing/Deleting Custom fields
- Re-ordering Custom fields
- Security on Custom Fields
- Formula Fields
Access Control
- Roles
- Workspace
- User Workspace - Role Membership
- Security Privileges
- Security Context
- How Security Works
- Common mistakes when setting up the security
- Default Security settings at Company level
- Default Security settings For Apps
Project Management
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting Project Categories
- Adding, Editing and Deleting Project States
- Work Calendar
- Work Calendar Exceptions
- Projects Settings
- Person day calculation
- Timesheet Options
- Billing Model
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting Time Codes
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting Expense Codes