Setting up Client Privileges

Setting up Client Privileges

Celoxis allows you to actively involve your clients when executing projects. You need to first configure your client accounts to decide if you wish to share your task / project information (excluding financial information) with them. You can let them view progress updates and even perform progress updates on tasks. 

Allow client to view task information, excluding financial information.
Selecting this option will allow you to share your task list with the client.  

Allow client to view details of progress update on tasks.
When your clients are actively involved in the project, they would want to keep themselves abreast / well-informed of the latest developments. As the team members update the progress, your clients may want to view the details of the updates on some specific tasks / all tasks in order to make sure that the project is moving as per plan. This setting would let your clients view the details of progress updates done on tasks by the project team.

Allow client to do progress update on tasks.
In some rare scenarios, your client's involvement in the project may be so high, that they may want to decide for themselves whether the activities in the project are proceeding as per the schedule. In such a case, you may want to assign this privilege to your clients. If your clients feel that a task is not fully completed or some significant changes need to be made to a particular task, they can change the updates done by team members on the tasks. While updating the task progress, clients can also add their comments pertaining to the task which notifies the resources of the probable actions to be taken. 

To assign these Client Privileges:

  1. From main menu, click on View and under People section, click on Clients.
  2. Point to a Client and click Edit from the Actions drop-down list.  
  3. In the Security tab, select the privileges you want to give to the client.
  4. Click Save.

Even when you grant the above privileges to the client, you still need to share the reports like the 'Tasks' report, etc so that the client can see the tasks in the project. To read about how to do that, click here.

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