Adding, Editing, and Deleting Project Categories
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Project Categories
To add Project Categories:
- Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
- Under the Project Management section, click on Project Categories.
- In the new pop-up, click the Add button.
- Type name of the project category in the Name box.
- In the Description box, type the description and click Save. The new project category is added for projects.
To edit Project Categories:
- Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
- Under the Project Management section, click on Project Categories.
- Click on the pencil -shaped icon besides the category name to edit it.
- In the new pop-up, make the necessary changes and click on Save. The project category is edited.
To delete Project Categories:
- Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
- Under the Project Management section, click on Project Categories.
- Click on the delete icon besides the category name you wish to delete.
- Click on Yes to confirm the deletion. Now, you need to pick a new category to reassign all the projects to and then click on Delete. The project category is deleted.
Deleting a category will prompt the user to move all projects to a different category. However, custom fields attached only to that category will be deleted permanently.