Account Renewal and Additional License Purchase

Account Renewal and Additional License Purchase

One week prior to your account expiration, your users will see an appropriate warning message when they log into the system. The day after your account expires, your account will be locked. To reactivate your account, you will need to log in as an user with Administrator privileges.

Renew Account

This option 'extends' the expiration date of your existing licenses. This should be used if you wish to extend the duration of your current licenses. Do NOT use this to add more licenses.
For example -- You have a 10 user license valid till 12 Aug 2012. On the 13th of Aug, you will be locked out from your account and will require to renew your account. If you select this option it will take you to a screen where your current 'active' license count is populated for convenience. In this example, it will be pre-populated with 10. If you wish to reduce or increase this count, change the number, select the appropriate package and renew. If you reduce this count, and you have a higher number of active licensed users, you will first need to deactivate those after your purchase. For this you will need to login as the 'Administrator' user.

Add More Users/Licenses 

If you wish to increase your licensed user count, use this option to purchase additional licenses. Please do not use this option if you wish to extend your existing account. Whenever you purchase additional licenses, you will only be able to purchase them for the remainder of the term of your existing license and the cost will automatically be pro-rated.
Building from the previous example, let us assume after you extend you 10 user account for 3 months, you now wish to increase your licensed user count from 10 to 12. You will need to purchase additional user licenses. Click on this option and enter 2. Your total license count will become 12 instead of 10, all of which expire on 12 Nov 2012.

When you click on 'Renew Account' and pay to extend your licenses, your account is automatically extended till the new end date. When you click on 'Add More Users' and purchase additional licenses, your licensed user count is automatically increased.