Pre-defined Reports

Celoxis offers a number of pre-defined reports to get you started. In most cases, these should suffice your needs. Predefined reports will show Celoxis as the creator. Privileges on these are preset to allow for the most common requirements. You can modify any of the above reports to suit your requirements or make copies and modify the copies.

For Executives
  • Budget Allocations.

  • Projects (by Schedule)

  • Revenue per Client

  • Project Portfolio Analysis

For Managers
  • My Projects
  • Tasks Status
  • Project Status (Top level Tasks)
  • Project Status (Gantt)
  • Cost Overruns
  • Who's Doing What
  • Resource Load
  • Resource Utilization
  • Resource Capacity
  • Incomplete Timesheets
  • Activity Stream
  • Discussions
  • Documents
  • Open Issues
  • Open Bugs
  • My To Dos
For Team
  • My Tasks
  • My Expenses
  • My Time Entries
  • My Open Items
  • Activity Stream
  • Discussions
  • Documents


For Client
  • Project Status
  • Project Documents
  • Project Discussions
  • My Existing Requests


For Administration
  • Billing Summary
  • Billed Time
  • Billed Expenses 
Project-Specific reports
  • Unassigned Tasks
  • Tasks (List)
  • Discussions
  • Documents
  • Issues
  • Bugs